use defaults and sample data in directory, notes, pre1, pre2, post1 to get
This Sample output

Directory Maker

Keeping the default values,
and loading sample data for

You will end up with THIS pdf


Why I made this:
Printing phone directories is a pain. I got pulled into helping
with my churches phone directory printing. It was a word
doc and when a new name was added, names after it had
to be shifted. This was painful.

The assumption of this utility is that you want to fold pieces of paper
in half, and staple them together to make a booklet. You may want
a page or two prior to your directory, like a cover page, and maybe
some church info, or birthdays, or whatever. And you may want some
pages at the end for a back cover, or anything else. You may also end
up with extra space, since each piece of paper is 4 folded pages. That's
where the notes.html is used if necessary.

Page Printing Layout:
Let's assume you had a cover page (pre1), and a inside back cover
page (post1), and a back cover(post2), and 6 pages of entries. You would
get a PDF that was 6 pages long, and when printed double sided (flipped
on long edge), you'd get 3 pieces of paper with pages layed out like below:

Piece of paper 1
Page 12
(back cover)
Page 1
front cover
page 2
page 11
inside back cover

Piece of paper 2
page 10
page 3
page 4
page 9

Piece of paper 3
page 8
page 5
page 6
page 7

How to prep your data:
Just put it all into a CSV file. this can be done from Excel,
or a google sheet. Each row needs to be an entry, and each
cell will be a row in that entries text in the directory. Empty
cells are ignored, and the first row is ignored since it is
normally headers

The following CSV:

Home Phone
Cell Phone
Smith, John & Jen
2 Main St . East Cupcake


Jones, Jerry & Joan
5 Elm Ave, West Somewhere
Franklin, Jim & Jan
12 Side Ave, Centerville


Would give the following entries:
Smith, John & Jen
2 Main St . East Cupcake

Jones, Jerry & Joan
5 Elm Ave, West Somewhere

Franklin, Jim & Jan
12 Side Ave, Centerville


Please let me know if you use this, and any trouble you have using/understanding
and what would make this easier to use, email me at
Source code is available here